HRA Salon – Power & Academia
Part 5: Power & Academic System
In this final HRA Salon on the topic “Power & Academia”, we are taking a critical but also future-oriented look at the German academic system as a whole and its balance of power. What are the special characteristics and advantages of the system in an international comparison? On the other hand, which structures need reform and what should a new federal government address? What is to be expected, for example, from the upcoming evaluation of the “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” or the still unpredictable impact of the pandemic?
We are delighted to have eminent and interesting guests from Germany and the United Kingdom to share their perspectives. Join the HRA Salon – as listeners or as active part of the discussion!
The HRA Salon marks the beginning of the GUAT conference, which will be hosted on 29 and 30 September by the Universität Hamburg and the Hamburg Research Academy.
- Prof. Dr. David Bogle
Pro-Vice-Provost of University College London Doctoral School, Chair of League of European Research Universities Doctoral Studies Policy Group - Dr. Henrike Hartmann
Deputy Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation and Member of the Executive Management - Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jahn
Emeritus Group Leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, 2019-2020 President of the Georg August University of Göttingen - Antonia Weberling, M.S.c.
4th year PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge, Initiator of the RescueHorizonEurope Campaign
- Ralf Krauter
Science Reporter
Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 6:30-8 pm
This online event takes place via an online meeting tool. Please register here. We will send the participants access data and information on the software used in advance.
Hamburg Research Academy
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Open to the public