We try to make HRA events accessible for everyone. Therefore, we ask individuals to notify us about any specific requirements directly when registering for an HRA event. This allows our event management team to approach the participant as early as possible, clarify questions, and offer support.
The HRA sets aside a limited budget per calendar year for specific requirements. In order to make HRA events accessible for as many early career researchers in Hamburg as possible, funding is allocated according to the submission date of the requisition request. Support services may be funded until funds for the calendar year have been exhausted.
We try our best to make sure that HRA events take place at family-friendly times. If you require childcare in order to attend our events, let us know in the registration form. We will then work with you to find a solution. Also inform yourselves about the extensive support offered by the Universität Hamburg Family Office or by similar offices at your institution. You can also find an overview on our Academia and Family web page.
Participants with disabilities
We want people with disabilities to be able to participate in HRA events.
Sign-language interpreter or speech-to-text reporter
Interpreting services can be requested for online and in-person HRA events. For this, we usually contact the interpreting agency Gehörlosenverband Hamburg e.V. You can also suggest a selection of suitable interpreters to us in advance. Alternatively, you can order an audio recording complete with transcription. In order to be able to commission an interpreting service in good time, we ask that you notify us about your requirements at least 4 weeks in advance of the event.
Information on HRA member institutions’ services
The course portal on our website also provides information about events hosted by our member institutions. Register directly with the providing institution. Address your questions and specific requirements for these services and events directly to the providing institution.
If you have any questions, contact us on +49 4042838-6482 or at office"AT"hra-hamburg.de.