Offers for prospective doctoral researchers
Initiating contact with a university and potential supervisors, choosing a research project, writing a proposal, and clarifying finances are all issues that need to be addressed before you decide to do a doctorate and take the first steps.
The Hamburg Research Academy supports doctoral students and early-career researchers with a broad range of regular informational activities that address your questions, provide orientation in the academic system, and facilitate contact with other prospective doctoral and early-career researchers.
Information sessions:
The Hamburg Research Academy offers regular information sessions for prospective doctoral researchers.
- Tag für Promotionsinteressierte
- HRA Spotlight – Promovieren? Wissenswertes für die Entscheidung
- Exposé-Werkstatt
You can find upcoming events in our course portal under the heading "Starting a Doctorate".
Tips and recommendations
See Research in Germany for comprehensive information about doing a doctorate and planning an academic career, initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the Hochschulkompass offered by the German Rectors' Conference.