Academic career
Planning an academic career comes with many questions. Particularly, the transition from completing a doctorate to entering the postdoc phase should be based on a conscious decision and a plan for the next steps. Ideally, this transition should also be done in close coordination with your doctoral supervisor. The Hamburg Research Academy and its member institutions provide a wide range of support services to assist you in this process.
Support services: transition doctorate – postdoc
- HRA Course portal: Regular information events, workshops and networking opportunities.
- Group counseling: An offer of the HRA, open to all doctoral candidates and postdocs of HRA member universities.
- Career Coaching: A service offered by the Human Resources Development of the University of Hamburg open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at UHH.
- Individual Development Plan: The Individual Development Plan (IDP) of the MIN Graduate Center supports doctoral researchers at the MIN Faculty in taking ownership of their personal career development and facilitates the transition into their future career.
Further information
- Mirjam Müller: „Promotion – Postdoc – Professur. Karriereplanung in der Wissenschaft“, Campus Verlag 2014. (in German only)
- ZEIT Ratgeber Promotion (in German only, free online download)
Tips and recommendations: Career planning in academia
Die zentralen Institutionen und Organisationen der deutschen Wissenschafts- und Forschungslandschaft stellen umfassende Informationen zu den Rahmenbedingungen der Promotion und einer Karriereplanung in der Wissenschaft bereit:
- Hochschulkompass of the German Rector's Conference
- Research in Germany: The website helps you to find your way to Germany, to seek for PhD positions, research jobs or funding opportunities.
- GERiT – German Research Institutions provides an overview of 31,000 research institutions in Germany. Here you will find institutional profiles, job vacancies, the doctoral regulations for specific institutions and subject areas, and links to DFG-funded projects.