News30 January 2025|HRA NewsDr. Franziska S. Hanf on her project “Hamburg 2050: water from 4 sides”Photo: © Vernessa Himmler/Hanf et al. 2024In her project “Hamburg 2050: water from 4 sides”, Dr. Franziska S. Hanf, together with her colleagues from the CLICCS cluster of excellence and an...16 December 2024|HRA NewsYear in Review: Our Highlights from 2024Photo: HRA/WiedTime flies, but we take a moment to pause. What happened at the Hamburg Research Academy in 2024?4 December 2024|HRA NewsSupervision Agreements – Guest Article by the HRA Doctoral CouncilPhoto: UHH/EsfandiariSupervision is a central and at the same time complex element of the doctoral phase. This makes it all the more important to document the bilateral...3 December 2024|HRA NewsAnja Lindig on Her Final Symposium on the CarePreg StudyPhoto: HRA/SchwenzerDr. Anja Lindig and Dr. Jördis Zill organized a hybrid symposium with the help of the HRA Fund for Science Communication, in which they presented and...30 October 2024|HRA NewsCareer Day for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs on 10 October 2024Photo: HRA/Helm"I really enjoyed the direct contact with PhDs who had gone into industry" – was a recurring piece of feedback from our evaluation. This quote...24 October 2024|HRA NewsEnhancing Career Paths through International CollaborationPhoto: HRA/HelmFrom 23 to 27 September, the Hamburg Research Academy co-organized the event "Making an Impact! Skills for Career Paths in and beyond Academia"...17 September 2024|HRA NewsInterview with the winner of the Hamburg Three Minute Thesis 2024 – Raghav AroraPhoto: HRA/WiedOn 27 August, eight doctoral researchers from Hamburg took on the challenge of presenting their doctoral theses in three minutes and with only one...2 September 2024|HRA NewsOur new program is online!Photo: HRA/OldorfAs of now, you can register for the new workshops and information events organized by the Hamburg Research Academy. Please note that admission is on a...17 July 2024|HRA News3 Quick Questions for Dr. Ijad Madisch, Keynote Speaker at the HRA Karrieresprung 2024Photo: Gene GloverWe are delighted to welcome Dr. Ijad Madisch as our keynote speaker at the HRA Karrieresprung 2024! Ijad Madisch, who holds a doctorate in virology...22 April 2024|HRA NewsHRA Promovierendentag on 18 April 2024: Mental HealthPhoto: HRA/HelmWho would have thought that an event focusing on mental health would create such a vibrant atmosphere? On 18 April 2024, more than 80 doctoral...18 March 2024|HRA NewsBalancing Research and Family: Tips for Parents Doing a DoctoratePhoto: HRA/DumitrascuResearch and family obligations are a balancing act: temporary contracts, low wages, frequent moves, and a high degree of flexibility pose a special...23 January 2024|HRA NewsMaking Climate Information Easier to Understand—Yulia Polkova on her "Climate Competence Project"Photo: PolkovaIn her project, "Klimakompetenz: Vom wissenschaftlichen Jargon zur Umgangssprache", climate scientist Yulia Polkova has initiated a series of videos...23 November 2023|HRA NewsAnd Science Communication on Top of It All?! Panel Discussion on 8 November 2023Photo: HRA/WiedResearch communication and knowledge exchange are becoming important beyond just enhancing a resume. Being able to share your research findings is now...16 November 2023|HRA NewsInternational Researcher Day 2023: Doing Your Postdoc in HamburgPhoto: UHH/EsfandiariUnder the banner of "Doing Your Postdoc in Hamburg", roughly 70 postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers participated in the International...1 November 2023|HRA NewsThree Minute Thesis Competition 2023: Interview with the winner Saskia JohannsPhoto: HRA/WiedThe stage brightly lit, a stopwatch at the ready and hundred curious people in the audience: On 12 October, the Three Minute Thesis competition took...2 October 2023|HRA NewsApply now: Mentoring for non-university careersPhoto: HRAUntil 15 December, doctoral researchers and postdocs from all subjects and HRA member institutions can apply for a mentoring program by the...3 August 2023|HRA NewsAddressing the blind spots of sustainability—Yvonne Siegmund and Ina Jessen on their symposiumPhoto: Maria FuchsIn this symposium on fear, disgust, and failure (Angst.Ekel.Scheitern), postdoctoral researchers Yvonne Siegmund and Ina Jessen take an inter- and...2 August 2023|HRA NewsMinor Matters? – Interview with Martina HasenfratzPhoto: HasenfratzIn the doctoral phase, you dive deep into your own topic while in many cases already publishing diligently and gaining teaching experience. All of...31 May 2023|HRA NewsMinor Matters? – Interview with Hannah FranzPhoto: FranzIn the doctoral phase, you dive deep into your own topic while in many cases already publishing diligently and gaining teaching experience. All of...10 May 2023|HRA NewsTips for prospective doctoral researchers—guest article from the Doctoral CouncilPhoto: HRAAre you thinking about doing a doctorate after you study but do not know where to begin? To facilitate your start, the Doctoral Council has put...Show all news