Doctoral degree regulations
You can find the doctoral degree regulations of Hamburg's higher education institutions and their faculties here:
- University of Hamburg (UHH) (in German only)
- Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) does not have to right to award doctorates. However, you can do your doctoral studies at HAW in cooperation with a higher education institution that does have the right to award doctorates. Please refer to the doctoral degree regulations of the higher education instution or faculty at which you are doing your cooperative doctorate.
- Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
- HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) (in German only)
- Helmut Schmidt University (HSU) [PDF] (in German only)
- Hamburg University of Music and Theater (HFMT)
- Dr. scientiae musicae [PDF] (in German only)
- Dr. phil. [PDF] (in German only)
- University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK) [PDF] (in German only)
- Bucerius Law School (BLS) [PDF]
- Kühne Logistics University (KLU) [PDF]