Living in Hamburg
We recommend that you start looking for a place to live early on. If possible, you should begin your search from where you currently live or in your home country. Finding a place to live in Hamburg is not just difficult and expensive, it is also time-consuming. One option for your first few weeks in Hamburg is to stay in a room or apartment available for short-term rent short-term rent until you can find suitable accommodation.
Tips and additional information on finding housing are available from the Hamburg Welcome Center after arranging an appointment in advance.
Rental agreements
In order to rent a room or apartment, you must conclude a binding rental agreement. Before you move in, your landlord will usually request a security deposit. Your landlord can keep this if the property is damaged. Please note that in addition to rent, you will also incur other expenses (Betriebskosten) for utilities such as electricity, water, heat, phone service, etc.
A rental contract or confirmation of residence from a student dormitory is required to register at the Hamburg Welcome Center and to apply for a residence permit after arrival. Please email the Hamburg Welcome Center for details if you are requested to submit any additional information or documents.
Radio and television broadcast fee (Rundfunkbeitrag)
Every household must pay a monthly radio and television broadcast fee to cover usage of all devices. This fee is currently 18.36 EURO per household (as of August 2023) and is charged regardless of actual usage and usage possibilities.
Housing benefit (Wohngeld)
If your income is low, you may be eligible to apply for a housing benefit to receive state subsidies for accommodation. Use the German-language online housing subsidy tool to find out what possible housing subsidies might be available to you and in what amount.
Opening a bank account
Opening a bank account is usually easy. In order to open a checking account, you must provide the following documents:
- Registration certificate
- Identity card
- Student ID or proof of admission to doctoral studies
- Proof of income will make it easier to open a bank account (pay slips, bank statements, or proof that you hold a scholarship)
You can find the addresses and telephone numbers of banks and branch offices in the Gelbe Seiten (German Yellow Pages).
You should always ask about possible costs before actually opening an account. These costs vary from bank to bank and can be charged for services such as opening an account, annual processing, credit cards, making withdrawals, obtaining printouts of account statements, etc.
Depending on the bank and the account features you choose, you will usually receive your bank card in the mail within a few days.